Centre Stage School of Dance & Performing Arts are an official recognised school for the Council for Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre (CDMT).
CDMT provides quality assurance for the professional dance, drama and musical theatre industries.
(CDMT) – a quality assurance and membership body for the professional dance and musical theatre industries. The CDMT remains the first point of contact for those seeking information on education, training and assessment across the Performing Arts.
As a parent it is important to know that your child is in safe hands, in relation to both the safeguarding in class and the standard of training they receive. As a recognised CDMT school, Centre Stage is fully committed to upholding safe and professional standards of practice and have met the following criteria:
We have successfully adhered to the appropriate Professional Policies and Procedures including Safeguarding and Health & Safety;
All teachers hold a valid Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Certificate and adequate Insurance;
We have successfully adhered to the CDMT Code of Professional Conduct and Practice;
We have the appropriate level of relevant Teaching Qualifications and Professional Experience.
We believe our CDMT recognition provides you with the necessary reassurance to make an informed decision that Centre Stage is a safe and professional school for your child.
“Congratulations to Centre Stage on becoming a recognised CDMT school. It’s really important to ensure that the Dance and Performing Arts school to which you send your child is safe and that all of the teachers are fully qualified and experienced. This recognition gives me the confidence that my daughter, as well as being incredibly happy at Centre Stage, is being taught in a caring, safe environment by teachers trained at the highest level. As a parent, that is very reassuring.”
Marina (mum of Eve, 10)