Grades 1-8

Grades 1-8
Grades 1-8
Grades 1-8
Grades 1-8
Grades 1-8
Grades 1-8
Grades 1-8
Grades 1-8
Grades 1-8
Grades 1-8
Grades 1-8
Grades 1-8

Graded RAD Ballet

Our Graded RAD Ballet classes begin at Grade One through to Grade Eight and are designed to further develop the student’s knowledge and understanding of ballet. Character Dance and Free Movement is also first introduced at Grade One designed to compliment the student’s awareness of national dance forms such as Hungarian, Polish and Russian.

Classes further develop students technical, musical and performance skills; gaining further confidence in their knowledge of ballet vocabulary as they become more aware of the mastery of dance technique. Students will explore the ability to interpret music and display a sense of sensitivity to the music, style and audience.

The aims of the graded examination syllabus are to:

* promote the study of ballet and related dance disciplines as a leisure and/or vocational activity

* provide a means of measuring the acquisition of technical, musical and performance skills in ballet

* promote and encourage enjoyment of movement as a form of physical exercise

* provide all candidates, particularly children and young people, with an opportunity of experiencing dance accompanied by music

* To encourage personal self-confidence and group awareness through the experience of dancing solo, with partners and in small groups

* To aid the development of a general appreciation of music through dancing to various musical styles and rhythmic patterns

* To motivate students by providing a series of clearly defined goals which have been structured to reflect the principles of safe dance practice

* To provide teachers with a means by which to measure and develop the individual progress of their students.

* An increasing ability to demonstrate practical knowledge of ballet and character

* a graduated measure of attainment against specific criteria

* increasing self-confidence through the learning, memorizing and performing of 
prescribed sequences of movement, studies and dances

* an awareness and understanding of working with others

* an appreciation, through practical experience, of contrasting dance disciplines with their 
accompanying music

Once students meet the required standard, they can undertake either a Class Award (teacher present), Solo Performance or Examination; with a visiting examiner from the RAD. Students who pass the Class Award, Solo Performance or Examination, receive a Medal and Certificate for their attainment.

Parents are invited once a term to watch a class is action as we feel it’s important to see students’ progression and level of engagement and enjoyment in the class. This is a wonderful experience for parents and a lovely end to each term.

For more information about the Royal Academy of Dance click here