Grade 1-6
Our Graded Tap dance classes begin at age 7, as students increase their understanding of tap vocabulary and technique. Students’ level of communication and expression in movement is also further explored to develop students’ standard as they progress through the graded levels to Grade Six.
The Graded levels increase is complexity of tap vocabulary, building on each level progressively. The Tap vocabulary is amalgamated more frequently with use of arms, posture, timing and rhythmic awareness.
The objectives of the classes is to ensure students demonstrate a sound understanding of:
* Postural accuracy and weight placement
* Sound tap technique and understanding of dance tap terminology
* An awareness of tap tones and rhythmic quality and its development
* Sense of line through the body, arms and head
* Musical styles/dynamics and their interpretation
* Using the space during performance
* Awareness of audience, communication and expression
Classes run between 30 and 45 minutes once a week.
Parents are invited once a term to watch a class is action as we feel it’s important to see students’ progression and level of engagement and enjoyment in the class. This is a wonderful experience for parents and a lovely end to each term.
Want to read more about The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance CLICK HERE